Watermelon Suprise

March 9, 2010
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    One day I was  at my grandma's house and she had watermelon that she bought on the table. I
wanted a fruit smoothie, so I just used that. I cut up some watermelon without the seeds, and orange
juice. I mixed it and it was actually good. I got on the scale, and I lost 2 pounds.

Food This Mornin'

March 7, 2010


Today I had a toaster strudal, oatmeal, and the good rasberry green tea.

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Email Me

March 7, 2010


 If you have any questions, tips, or comments email me at ari_lut.101@hotmail.com

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A Drink Last Night

March 7, 2010

    Hey last night there wasn't any juice... well there was but it was my mom's_cranberry. I do not like that
kind of juice. So i got this water bottle and i used one of my mom's rasberry green tea packets. I tasted it,
and it was great! I usually don't like green tea, but after that i don't have my doubts.Drinks like green tea
and water can be good, and they're healthy. There are two benefits!
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Food This Mornin'

March 7, 2010

    I ate so much this morning. I had 3 toaster strudals, a poptart, bacon, and more. But all that got ran off at
basketball practice today. You should do that too, if you eat alot on accident, run or walk it off that day. It'll
help you in the long run.
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Food To Me

April 19, 2009

    Food to me is great, and that's no mistake. Food from here, and food from there, i love to eat it everywhere.
But if you don't cut down on those treats, you won't be able to see your feet!


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About Me

Arianna I am active, I like to play basketball, play tunk, speed, spades, etc. with friends and family. I am in the 7th grade and go to JWJ!

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